Who We Are
To be restored in order to restore
We will be known as the hub of Christ centered restoration
on the Westside of Los Angeles.
To return the broken to wholeness in an expanding community of grace and compassion
God’s unearned favor and loving kindness freely received and given
How things really are beyond our distortions and denial
We are simply called to be faithful in following Christ
(Ways we live out our values)
The Whole Gospel - We believe the Good News is that God is in the business of fixing all that’s broken: our relationships with God, ourselves, others, and this planet.
Radical Grace and Hospitality - Come as you are. Really! Don’t check any part of yourself at the door. You can’t expect to be made whole unless you bring your whole self.
Safety and Authenticity - This is a no B.S. zone! The atmosphere is no judgment, only love. No need to manage your image here.
Grace-Fueled Restoration - There’s enough shame to go around in this world so we don’t need more of it in the church. We constantly remind each other that we are God’s beloved children and that God really likes us. That is the fuel that motivates us to find and become our true and best selves.
Imitation of Christ - Jesus came to show us what God looks like as a human so that we humans can become like God. When we imitate Jesus, we each begin to reveal a unique and beautiful human reflection of God’s image.
Unity in Diversity - Don’t try to conform here! That’s not unity. That’s uniformity. Unity is only possible when there’s diversity. Unity is fueled by our grace and truth-filled communication.
Oneness with God and Each Other - What I do to you, I do to me. What you do to me, you do to you. What we do to each other we do to Christ. Separateness is an illusion. We belong to each other. It’s called communion and there’s nothing more holy!
Living the Mission - Each of us was created for a purpose and that purpose is to love and serve like Jesus did. We belong to each other. We truly are our brother’s keeper. It’s called kinship. No kinship, no justice. No justice, no peace. When we start living like we all belong to each other, we will realize that we have found a truly flourishing human life as God intends.
Worship Together
We experience the presence of Christ together through Word and Table (communion)
Grow in Becoming Like Christ
We experience Christ through transformative learning and contemplative practice
Intimate Christian Fellowship
We experience the wholeness of Christ in community when we are real with each other
about our brokenness
Bring Restoration to our World
We experience Christ when we recognize Him in those we serve especially on the margins
We are affiliated with the Free Methodist Church in Southern California