(Guiding Personal Spirituality)

Coming In 2025!

G.P.S. is about navigating your spiritual journey. What is your spiritual story? What events have shaped, and are shaping this story? Where are you now? What are some of the pain points in your life? What gives you life and joy? Where might the Spirit be leading you next?

G.P.S. will be two to four, one-on-one meetings with a spiritual companion. Spiritual companions are pastors or lay people who are specially trained to listen deeply, hold space, ask questions, and provide clarity about ways the Spirit might be leading next. Often times, the spiritual companion will suggest helpful resources and practices available through MCF and beyond. All information shared in G.P.S. sessions are held in strictest confidence, and there will be no pressure to share anything a person is not comfortable sharing.

G.P.S. is not spiritual counseling, mentoring, therapy, or accountability. It is spiritual companionship where there is deep listening in a non-judgmental atmosphere. The purpose is to seek guidance through the Spirit in order to connect more deeply with a person’s true identity and to increasingly live from that identity.